
Joseph A. Gray
Temecula, CA

Back in 1989, I began a career in direct response television advertising. In the first chapter of my career, I founded several successful companies on the agency and lead generation sides of the business. I closed this first chapter with an equity raise in 2007 and eventual exit. Too young to retire in my mid-40’s, I had an idea about what I wanted to do next. Our industry has always been data driven yet we have so little data about our industry as a whole. What we have today is far from ideal as it relates to industry trends, expenditures, growth, and related data points. I became painfully aware of these shortcomings many years ago when I was co-chair of the DMA’s broadcast council research committee. The idea behind DRMetrix is to provide rich data and metrics that have not been available to our industry historically. In this capacity, we look forward to serving the entire direct response industry as an indispensible source of information.

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